Standing as Witnesses of His Deliverance
April 2022

“Standing as Witnesses of His Deliverance,” Liahona, Apr. 2022.

Ministering Principles

Standing as Witnesses of His Deliverance

The Savior has shown His willingness to deliver His people in ways both great and simple.

woman in protective mask supporting sick friend with COVID-19

When Lourdes Cutti de Alvarez of Uruguay found out she had two brain tumors, she told her friend Marcela Suarez Albano that she’d be hospitalized for surgery and would require lengthy post-surgery treatment. She worried about how her family of four children would cope with the stressful situation.

Marcela sat down with her 16-year-old daughter, Rocío, to ponder ways they could minister to Lourdes. Marcela had recently been in the hospital herself. She remembered the feeling of being alone and what a difference it made when Lourdes and the sisters in her ward came to visit. So Marecela and Rocío helped organize a mobile phone texting group with the sisters in the ward. This allowed them to easily schedule meals for the family. Having dinners taken care of eased Lourdes’s burden. The sisters also sent a daily scripture or message to strengthen her spirit and show their love for her.

Lourdes’s daughter, Ana Clara, shared: “It was difficult not to have Mom at home. But Heavenly Father sent help to me and my family. It was a great outpouring of His love. What Marcela did to unite the members of the ward to help us was amazing. Every time we saw another family coming, we felt, through them, the pure love of Christ. They shared words of encouragement, laughed with us, and helped strengthen us. Our Heavenly Father undoubtedly was with us in every moment. We could feel it through the smiles that we saw in the faces of those who came to help us.”

A year later, Marcela had to be hospitalized due to a coronary problem. Lourdes and Ana Clara remembered how the Lord had comforted and strengthened them through Marcela and Rocío and were anxious to show their love and gratitude in return.

God Invites Us to Help Deliver Others

The Lord is willing to visit His people in their afflictions (see Mosiah 24:14). He gives us opportunities to participate in delivering His children in need. He shows this time and again in the book of Exodus. The Lord used Moses to help deliver the Israelites from bondage in Egypt and help them survive in the wilderness (see Exodus 12–16). It took faith for Moses to stretch out his hand, but it was the Lord who “caused the sea to go back” (Exodus 14:21).

Principles to Consider

As you consider your opportunities and assignments to minister to others, consider these principles illustrated in these stories:

  • If we will act in faith to help others, like Marcela and Moses, the Lord can show His power in their lives.

  • Reaching out to a friend in need doesn’t have to be a grand gesture (see Alma 37:6). A warm meal or even a simple text message can help the person feel loved and cared for.

  • Youth ministering brothers and sisters can help deliver those around them from cares and suffering. Don’t forget to include them when you ponder ways to help.

  • When we share how the Lord has delivered us in our own lives, we stand as witnesses of His love and willingness to save His people (see Mosiah 24:13–14). Look for natural ways to share in conversation, social media, or text messaging.

  • We don’t have to wait for the Lord to direct us. If we want to help, we can be the means of doing much good. (See Doctrine and Covenants 11:8; 58:27–28.)

What Can We Do?

The Savior has shown, over and over, His willingness to save His covenant people from physical and spiritual suffering in ways both astonishing and simple. He does this so that we can stand as witnesses to others. How can you share what He has done for you?
