Sharing Time: Repentance—Turning from Wrong to Right
April 1997

“Sharing Time: Repentance—Turning from Wrong to Right,” Liahona, Apr. 1997, 10

Sharing Time:


Turning from Wrong to Right

“For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent” (D&C 19:16).

What is the second principle of the gospel listed in the fourth article of faith? If you said “Repentance,” you are right!

Repentance is turning from doing wrong to doing right. The Savior wants you to turn away from wrong and turn to him (see 3 Ne. 30:1–2). He gave his life to pay for your sins so that if you repent you can be forgiven and be clean again.

When you disobey the commandments or hurt others, the Holy Ghost cannot be with you, and you may feel sad, guilty, lonely, or afraid. To change these feelings, you need to turn from doing wrong to doing right. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will help you change. This changing is called repentance.

Repentance begins inside of you—in your thoughts and in your heart. When you know you have done something wrong, think about it until a feeling of sorrow comes into your heart. Do not excuse yourself or blame someone else. Tell Heavenly Father what you have done and how you feel. Tell him how much you love him, and ask for his help. If you have hurt someone or something, try to make it better. Promise Heavenly Father that you will try, with all your heart, to do what is right from now on.

Repentance begins on the inside, but usually it shows on the outside as well. When you promise Heavenly Father that you will do what is right, you keep your promise by changing the way you act. You treat others with more love and kindness. You keep the commandments. These actions will help you feel good about yourself and others.

You will need to repent many times throughout your life. As you turn away from wrong and try to do what is right, you will grow closer and closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Christ has promised that if you repent, he will bless you and remember your wrongs no more (see Hel. 13:11; D&C 58:42).


(1) Mount page 11 on heavier paper, and color each scene. (2) Cut along the heavy black lines, and fold on the broken lines. Glue Tab 1 to the outside edge of the third scene. (3) Make small holes, as indicated, in Tabs 2, 3, and 4, and overlap the tabs to align the holes. Tie a double knot in a string, then thread the string through the holes in tabs. (4) Hang your Repentance Reminder where you can see it each day.

Repentance Reminder

Illustrated by Denise Kirby

Sharing Time Ideas

  1. Ask five Primary teachers to explain one of the five steps along the path of repentance. Take the children on the path of repentance by visiting five separate areas in the Primary room. When you arrive at each area, discuss one of the steps: recognition, remorse, confession, restitution, and keeping the commandments (see “Repentance,” Gospel Principles, 117). Give each child a list of the steps of repentance, and suggest that they share this activity with their families.

  2. Tell the children that as we try to be like Jesus and as we repent when we do something wrong, we will feel our Savior’s love. Sing “I’m Trying to Be Like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78) and “I Feel My Savior’s Love” (Children’s Songbook, 74).

  3. Invite a member of the bishopric to discuss the gospel standard “I will choose the right. I know I can repent when I make a mistake.” Ask him to tell how this standard has blessed him in his life. Bear your testimony about the principle of repentance.
