Jesus Christ Teaches about the Sacrament and Prayer
April 1997

“Jesus Christ Teaches about the Sacrament and Prayer,” Liahona, Apr. 1997, 2

Jesus Christ Teaches about the Sacrament and Prayer

The sacrament

Jesus Christ sent his disciples for bread and wine, and he had the Nephites sit on the ground. 3 Ne. 18:1–2

The bread

When the disciples returned, the Savior broke the bread into pieces and blessed it, gave some to his disciples, and had them give some to the people. 3 Ne. 18:3–4

We must always remember Him

He said that partaking of the sacrament would be a testimony that they would always remember him and his sacrifice. Then they would have his Spirit with them. 3 Ne. 18:6–7

The wine

Jesus Christ blessed the wine and gave some to his disciples. The disciples gave wine to the people. 3 Ne. 18:8

Willing to keep His commandments

He told his disciples that taking the sacrament shows that we are willing to keep his commandments. 3 Ne. 18:10

We will have His Spirit to be with us

Jesus again promised that those who take the sacrament and always remember him will have his Spirit to help them. 3 Ne. 18:11

We must keep the commandments

He told his disciples that they would be blessed if they kept his commandments. 3 Ne. 18:14

Pray always

He told them to pray always and to pray as they had seen him pray. 3 Ne. 18:15–16

Pray to Heavenly Father

The Savior told all the Nephites to pray in his name to Heavenly Father and to pray with their families. 3 Ne. 18:17–21

Meet together often

He said the people should meet together often, to welcome others to their meetings, to pray for them, and to be good examples to them. 3 Ne. 18:22–24

Jesus goes to heaven

The Savior gave his disciples the power to give the Holy Ghost. Then a cloud covered the people so that only the disciples saw Jesus Christ go up into heaven. 3 Ne. 18:36–39

Illustrated by Jerry Thompson
