“When a Loved One Has Mental Health Struggles,” For the Strength of Youth, Sept. 2023.
Life Help
When a Loved One Has Mental Health Struggles
Here are five ideas to keep in mind when you want to help someone who is suffering from depression, anxiety, or other emotional challenges.
Illustrations by Toby Newsome
It can be hard to watch a friend or family member experience depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges. You may want to do something to help but aren’t sure what.
Here are some ideas to keep in mind as you consider how to help someone struggling with their mental health:
1. Do reach out.
If you’re wondering whether it’s best to reach out or stay away, the answer is: definitely reach out. Close social relationships really help people struggling with mental health. Communicate with them. Engage with them. It can be something simple and normal, but do reach out.
2. Don’t give advice unless they ask you to.
If someone hasn’t asked for your help, don’t start giving them advice. Until you’ve been asked, focus simply on being friendly, caring, and genuinely concerned.
3. Be gentle, positive, and compassionate.
When a person does ask for your help, follow the Savior’s example. Pray to Heavenly Father for inspiration. Be uplifting. Speak to them gently. Say positive things. Show understanding and compassion. Let them know you support them and are there for them. Gently encourage them to seek professional help.
4. Be patient and persistent.
People who are struggling may sometimes not be outwardly responsive or appreciative. But be patient. Stick with them. Isolation is very unhealthy for them. Don’t completely withdraw if they aren’t responding the way you would like.
5. Take care of yourself too.
Make sure you are finding joy in your life. Continue your personal prayer and scripture study. Attend the temple. Do some other things you enjoy. Don’t let stress or worry over your loved one’s situation overwhelm your life. Reach out to others for support if you need it.