“4 Ways to Strengthen Your Family,” For the Strength of Youth, Oct. 2023.
4 Ways to Strengthen Your Family
You can strengthen your family to be the best it can be by living the gospel of Jesus Christ.
No matter how strong your family is, it could always use a little more strength. These days, it seems like the hits to the family just keep on coming. This is because Satan knows that families are essential to Heavenly Father’s plan. If there’s anything the adversary can do to disrupt family life, he’s sure to try.
Although no family is perfect, yours has one thing going for it that no other family has: you! And you have the gospel of Jesus Christ on your side. Prophets and apostles have taught, “Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.”1
Here are some ways the Lord’s gospel can strengthen and bring happiness to your family:
Families can be sealed for all eternity.
Families can enjoy spending time together, giving service to one another, and experiencing belonging and a sense of divine identity.
Families can rely on the power of Jesus Christ to resolve misunderstandings, contentions, and challenges through repentance, forgiveness, and faith.
Here are four ways you can strengthen your family by living the gospel:
Illustrations by Lai T. Sheng
1 Encourage Prayer
Families become stronger when they pray together. Prayer can bless your family with peace, love, and harmony. If prayer is not a habit in your family, pray to know how you can help your family pray together. Be ready to act on answers you receive.
2 Go to Church Together
At church we learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We also take the sacrament and covenant with God that we are willing to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ and always remember Him (see Mosiah 18:8–10; Doctrine and Covenants 20:77, 79).
Attending church as a family helps bring everyone closer to God and to each other. It takes commitment to go each week, but God will bless your efforts. If your family chooses not to attend church with you, please know that your attendance will strengthen you and help you find other ways you strengthen your family.
3 Love and Serve
The Savior taught, “Love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). Tell your family how much you love them—even if you’re sure they already know. Expressing your love for your family through word and action invites the Spirit into your home.
Serving family members is an important way to show your love. And serving others together also brings your family closer to each other and to Heavenly Father. You don’t have to organize a huge service project. Service can be simple, such as preparing a favorite meal for a neighbor. Serving as a family brings joy because, as we read in the scriptures, “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17).
4 Live the Gospel
Many families have members who are not Church members or who have chosen to stop going to church. Without family support, it can be hard to participate at church. If your family is in a similar situation, remember that you can still be a force for good by living the gospel.
Let your family see you live what you believe. You never know when they are watching what you say and do. This will bring the light of the gospel to your family. No matter your family situation, your consistent efforts to live the gospel can open the door for the Spirit to guide, influence, and uplift your family and help them come closer to the Savior, Jesus Christ.