Full of Good Works
July 2019

“Full of Good Works,” Friend, July 2019

Full of Good Works

scenes of women in the New Testament

Illustrations by Shawna J.C. Tenney

These three women from the New Testament helped people. Read what they did, and then match the pictures. What can you do to help someone today?

  • Priscilla and her husband made tents for a living. She taught about the gospel with her husband. They may have held Church meetings in their home. (See Acts 18:26.)

  • Lydia sold purple fabric dye. She felt the Spirit and decided to be baptized. She gave the disciples a place to stay in her home while they were traveling. (See Acts 16:14–15.)

  • Tabitha gave to the poor and sewed clothes and coats for those in need. After she died, Peter raised her from the dead. (See Acts 9:36–40.)
