Friends by Mail
July 2019

“Friends by Mail,” Friend, July 2019

Friends by Mail

quotes from kids

He Calmed the Waters

My favorite story was “He Calmed the Waters” (Feb. 2019) because I will be getting baptized this year! It might be scary at first, but it will be OK! It will be fun getting baptized, and my family will be there.

Kale P., age 7, Iowa, USA

Testimony Plant

I read the Friend at least twice all the way through. I made my own “testimony plant” (Jan. 2019)!

Cosette R., age 8, North Carolina, USA

Coconut Ice

We enjoyed making and eating the coconut ice-candy (Jan. 2019). We froze the coconut ice-candy outside in less than two hours because it was so cold!

Claire and Reuben S., ages 10 and 5, Alberta, Canada

Dear Friends,

Has anyone ever asked if you are a Christian? On page 24 you’ll learn why the answer to this question is yes! Jesus Christ asked us to help share His gospel. On page 4 you can read about a boy named Oliver who did just that. Write and tell us how you share the gospel.

Keep sharing!

The Friend
