Show and Tell
July 2016

“Show and Tell,” Friend, July 2016, 28–29

Show and Tell

Show and Tell

Primary children from the Kirtland Ward, Kirtland Ohio Stake, USA, marched in the City of Kirtland Strawberry Festival. They showed photos from ward members’ ancestors on their “family tree.” They also handed out almost 900 pass-along cards.

The Sault Saint Marie First Ward Primary, Ontario Stake, Canada, has set a goal this year to memorize one scripture a month to go along with the Primary theme, “I Know the Scriptures Are True.” They each have their own set of scriptures.

Birds and Me

Birds have legs, birds can walk.

I have legs, I can walk.

Birds have wings, birds can fly.

I don’t have wings, I can’t fly.

But I have arms to reach the sky!

Linnea H., age 8, Ohio, USA

October 31, 2012, was a special day because I was sealed to my parents in the Cebu Philippines Temple.

Anicka V., age 6, Philippines

My mom helped me register on FamilySearch.org. I found out that I am related to the first president of the Philippines and shared this information at school for my oral communications sharing time. My teacher was amazed that I was able to know this, and I told her about family history.

Sharmaine S., age 8, Cavite, Philippines

For my birthday, my dad took my brother and me to a reptile park. We saw alligators and crocodiles. After, we watched President Boyd K. Packer’s talk on spiritual crocodiles. We need to listen to our parents and our prophet so that we can be prepared against our own spiritual crocodiles.

Jacob P., age 7, Colorado, USA

For our grandparents’ 60th wedding anniversary, we went to the open house for the Indianapolis Indiana Temple with 37 members of our family! The first member of the Church in Indianapolis was our great-great-grandma! We felt the Spirit that day in the temple.

Clay and Madelyn G., ages 7 and 10, Indiana, USA

I was excited to be at a baseball game and really wanted to catch a ball. A player hit one over the fence, and I caught it! Another boy was crying. I gave him the ball, and it felt good. This is what Heavenly Father would want me to do.

Fisk J., age 7, Wyoming, USA

I was excited on my baptism day to wear my tupenu, hold my Tongan Book of Mormon, and wear my dad’s missionary nametag.

Tristan L., age 8, Washington, USA

Standing Tall Footprints

When my friends were fighting at recess, I asked them both to stop. It made me feel good.

Ezekiel F., age 5, Oklahoma, USA

I can be helpful and good in the house.

Caitlin B., age 9, Hampshire, England

I heard a bad word on the radio. I asked my mom to change the station.

Marcus M., age 4, Alaska, USA

I like to share the gospel with my classmates. I’m excited to tell them about my baptism.

Kielah F., age 7, Oklahoma, USA

I will give my mommy lots of big hugs to show her I love her.

Thomas B., age 3, Hampshire, England

I can stand tall by choosing good video games.

Alexia C., age 10, Utah, USA

I choose the right by helping others that are in need. I do this because I am righteous.

Dimon B., age 9, Indiana, USA

I can stand tall by setting a good example at school and church.

Dani C., age 8, Utah, USA
