Friends in the News
December 2010

“Friends in the News,” Friend, Dec. 2010, 44

Friends in the News

Kayli T., 6, Nevada, likes to draw and color. She likes animals, playing at the park, and playing with her dolls. She makes homemade newspapers. Her favorite food is spaghetti. She loves her family and is a very caring sister.

Chad N., 5, Idaho, likes fire engines. He enjoys spending time with his dad, playing in the sandbox, and sharing his testimony. He likes Primary, his family, and the prophet. He is a good example to his family.

Lakeview Fifth Ward

At a Primary activity in the Lakeview Fifth Ward, Orem Utah Lakeview Stake, the children learned about the importance of family history and temple work. Then they all helped build a model of a temple. They painted 150 boxes white and used them for the temple foundation and walls. They made windows and an angel Moroni figure to put on top. The children even made flowers out of pipe cleaners to add to the beauty of their temple.

Nicklas A., 4, Utah, likes wearing his superhero costume. He enjoys family home evening. He practiced giving a talk in his living room just like he saw on the cover of the April 2009 Friend.

Canby Second Ward

The Primary children of the Canby Second Ward, Oregon City Oregon Stake, enjoyed a missionary activity. They wrote letters to missionaries serving from their ward and accepted the challenge to give a Friend magazine to someone who is not a member of the Church. Returned missionaries shared mission experiences. The children continue to be successful missionaries by being great examples, sharing the gospel, and inviting their friends to Primary.

Vanessa P., 5, Arizona, likes playing with her older sister, Veronica; riding bikes; and playing with her dolls. Her favorite Primary song is “Hello Song.” She can’t wait to get baptized like her sister.

Jacob and Jennifer L., 8 and 6, Florida, help set up chairs in the Primary room on Sundays. They come early with their mother, who is the ward choir director. They like to help out in Primary and are happy helpers.

Peyton H., 11, California, likes playing soccer and singing. She loves her mom, and her older sister, Bailey, is her role model. She is a good speller, and her favorite animal is the sea otter.
