Our Creative Friends
January 2008

“Our Creative Friends,” Friend, Jan. 2008, 32–33

Our Creative Friends

The Path to Take

When I look at the moon so bright

It lights a path for us to take.

God invites us to His light.

He says, “Come with me,

And I will help you choose the right.”

Cierra T., age 9, Hawaii


We are one. Nicely one.

We are one under Heavenly Father’s view.

We choose the right, we learn the right, all as one.

We sometimes stray from the path,

Yet we can find our way back.

We love and support each other as one.

Even when church is over, we are still one.

Derek Paul S., age 11, Arizona

The Temple

The temple is a place of peace and love.

When you are in the temple, you are reverent.

In the temple you can feel love and peace.

In the temple you can have eternal marriage.

By going to the temple you can be an eternal family.

The temple is a place where you can think about Jesus in faith.

The temple is a holy place.

In the temple you can do baptisms for the dead.

You can prepare to go to the temple.

I reverently wait to enter the temple.

Activity day girls of the Spring Gulch Ward, Highlands Ranch Colorado Stake

Jake B., age 8, Virginia

Benson S., age 6, Michigan

Ethan J., age 8, New York

Katie G., age 8, Illinois

Breanne W., age 10, Missouri

Skylee D., age 6, Texas

Jenna H., age 9, Colorado

Davis B., age 7, Arizona

Jonah D., age 7, California

Alec G., age 7, Ohio

Logan U., age 10, Utah

Leah R., age 8, Washington

Maddie G., age 8, California

Julie D., age 10, Alberta, Canada

Roxanne L., age 11, Arizona
