Guide to the Friend
January 2008

“Guide to the Friend,” Friend, Jan. 2008, inside back cover

Guide to the Friend

The Guide to the Friend can help you find stories or articles for preparing lessons or talks for church or for family home evening. The Primary theme for January is “I am a child of God, and He has a plan for me.”

Family Home Evening Ideas

Look for the FHE symbol on the pages mentioned below.

  1. Look at the Friends in the News pages (pp. 44–45). If children have school class photos, look at those too. Point to each photo and ask, “Who is this?” Read President Gordon B. Hinckley’s message, “The Light of a New Day” (pp. 2–3). Then point to the pictures again and ask, “Who is this?” Have each child take turns saying, “my brother,” “my sister.” Discuss why we treat people as brothers and sisters—because we are all children of God.

  2. As a family, prepare the chart on pages 24–25. Set family or personal reading goals. Then use your family home evening time to kick off your Book of Mormon reading. Bring snacks, pillows, and blankets to your read-a-thon.

  3. What do you know about Joseph Smith’s parents? Read “Born of Goodly Parents” (pp. 10–11) and share the story. Joseph Smith’s parents helped prepare him to be a prophet. How are your parents helping prepare you to do what the Lord wants you to do?

  4. Read “Ties that Bind” (pp. 20–22). As a family, follow the diagram to learn how to tie a tie—both boys and girls, in case the girls ever need to teach someone else. Then make a treat or a card to share with your bishop to thank him for the ways he helps your family.

  5. Put a paper with the scripture reference John 16:13 inside a gift bag. Read “A Gift for Amy” (pp. 34–35). What was Amy’s gift? Open the gift and read the scripture to find out. The Holy Ghost can show us what might happen and help us make good decisions. For older children, summarize how the Holy Ghost showed Elder Dallin H. Oaks what to do when he faced a robber (see “Bible Stories and Personal Protection,” Ensign, Nov. 1992, 39–40). When has the Holy Ghost helped your family? Write down or draw pictures of these events and put them inside the gift bag. Display the gift all week to remind you to heed the Holy Ghost.
