Every Body Is Beautiful
October 2018

“Every Body Is Beautiful,” Ensign, October 2018

Friend Connection

Every Body Is Beautiful

Use the Friend magazine to help your family understand a different sensitive topic each month.

As children grow up, they become more aware of their bodies—what their bodies can do and how to take care of them. They also start noticing how their bodies are the same and different from those of other people. As parents and leaders, we can help children realize that every body is a beautiful gift. Let’s help them value their bodies for what they can do, not how they look. And let’s make sure they know that saying mean things about their bodies or another person’s body is never OK. Here are some Friend stories (from this month’s issue and past issues) that you could use to start a conversation about body image with your children.

Nick’s New Look” (Oct. 2018, page 32)

A boy with alopecia deals with classmates making fun of him and learns not to gauge his sense of worth based on what others think. A similar story, featuring a girl who is tall for her age, is “Forgiving Demi” (Jan. 2018, page 36).

What’s on Your Mind?” (Oct. 2018, page 34)

A page of tips in response to the question “Sometimes I don’t like the way I look. How can I learn to love my body?”

My Body Is a Temple” (July 2014, page 24)

This poster talks about why we have bodies, what’s great about our bodies, how we should treat our bodies, and more.