Family Home Evening Helps: Picture a Song
July 2005

“Family Home Evening Helps: Picture a Song,” Ensign, July 2005, 73

Family Home Evening Helps: Picture a Song

When our children were small, we often taught them songs from the Children’s Songbook for family home evening. We would first explain a song, then invite the children to illustrate the lyrics. After learning several songs this way, our children soon had their own illustrated versions of the songbook. Even our smallest children who couldn’t yet read could easily follow and understand the songs because of the pictures they’d made. As a family, we enjoyed singing the songs around the house or while traveling. When our children hum or sing Church songs, we feel blessed that they are choosing to “seek the Lord early while in [their] youth.” Our hope is that as they grow older, “He will help [them] to know the truth” (“Seek the Lord Early,” Children’s Songbook, 108).

Mark and Cindy Smith, Grays Harbor Ward, Elma Washington Stake

Illustrated by Beth Whittaker
