July 2005

“Comment,” Ensign, July 2005, 79


Testimony in the Magazine

I just finished reading, from the picture on the front cover to the picture on the back cover, the April 2005 Ensign, and I must tell you that it is exceptional. The articles, the photographs, the paintings, and even the comment letters are exemplary and edifying. This issue stands as a beautiful and timeless testimony of our Church.
Franklin E. Walker, Lone Peak Ward, Alpine Utah West Stake

Grateful for Balance

Thank you for your article, “A Balanced Life” (Ensign, April 2005, 26). What a breath of fresh air in the polluted rhetoric of “do more,” “try harder,” “more is expected of you.” I have been trying to live a more balanced life after my own bout with depression. I don’t remember ever reading an article that expressed those sentiments quite that way. I truly believe we need to try our best, but some people’s best is better than others.’ We need to stop comparing ourselves with others and just work on ourselves. Sometimes it is not about praying harder and having more faith. Sometimes it is about relaxing with our family.
Name Withheld

Touched by a Poem

As a mother with young children and the wife of a dutiful priesthood holder, I was touched by “The Wedding Reception” by Sister Martha Taysom in April’s Ensign. I was filled with emotion the first time I read it earlier in the month. Today I reread the tender poem and was again moved and grateful for the beautiful words she expressed in her heartfelt poem. Thank you.
Kim Mantz Swallow, Spring Hollow Ward, American Fork Utah West Stake
