“Free-for-All,” Ensign, Apr. 2004, 72
What if someone told you that you could spend time with friends, go shopping without spending any money, and generate donations for charity—all at the same time? It may sound too good to be true, but it’s actually quite easy. Here’s how to do it:
Call a few of your friends or neighbors who have similar clothing tastes and sizes, and invite them to a “shop-for-free” party. Before the party, have them go through their closets and select clothing that is still in good shape but just doesn’t fit anymore or hasn’t been worn in over a year. Come party time, have your guests lay out the clothing they’ve gathered in your living room. After everyone has had a chance to see what’s available, take turns selecting desired clothing items until everyone has all that they want. When you’re finished, there will still be some good quality clothing; bag it up and donate it to your local Deseret Industries or another charity. You could also do the same thing with outgrown children’s clothing, shoes, books, kitchen items, electronics in good working order, and so forth. It’s a great way to “de-clutter” your home, get free things you need for yourself and your family, generate goods for charity, and have a fun time with friends.
Sometimes I run into a friend who’s wearing something that used to be mine, or vice versa. Whenever that happens, we smile at each other and say, “Great outfit! Where did you get it?”
Barbara Jean Jones, Wasatch Ward, Salt Lake Hillside Stake
Illustrated by Joe Flores