Her Flavor of Faith
January 1994

“Her Flavor of Faith,” Ensign, Jan. 1994, 68

Her Flavor of Faith

As a professional cook, Judith Munhoz surprises people when she says she knew nothing about cooking or homemaking before joining the Church. The claim is difficult to imagine, since Judith teaches cooking classes in forty firms throughout the state of Sao Paulo, in her native Brazil.

“Relief Society taught me much of what I know,” she insists, “not just about cooking, but about being a self-sufficient woman.”

Sister Munhoz sees self-sufficiency as the Brazilian woman’s greatest challenge and works hard to help others understand that “they can find creative ways to earn money, cook on a budget, and acquire their food storage.”

Her most recent project entailed working with ward priesthood leaders to encourage every family in the ward to work on their food storage, a task she found gratifying because “we can touch many homes when we work together with the priesthood.”

Judith believes that the greatest advantage the gospel gives us is the opportunity to have the Spirit guide our lives.—Elizabeth VanDenBerghe, Salt Lake City, Utah
