“Seventeen New Missions Created,” Ensign, May 1993, 104
Seventeen New Missions Created

The First Presidency has announced the creation of seventeen new missions:
—Brazil Florianopolis Mission, created from the Brazil Curitiba Mission, has a population of 1.3 million and serves 4,839 members in two stakes and two districts.
—Brazil Recife South Mission, created from the Brazil Recife Mission, has a population of 6.5 million and serves 17,000 members in five stakes and two districts.
—Brazil Ribeirao Preto Mission, created from the Brazil Campinas Mission, opened February 1 and includes four stakes and 9,693 members.
—Brazil Rio de Janeiro North Mission, created from the Brazil Rio de Janeiro Mission, also opened February 1 and includes three stakes and 9,867 members.
—California Carlsbad Mission, created from the California San Diego Mission, has a population of 2 million and serves 32,798 members in eleven stakes.
—California Roseville Mission, created from the California Sacramento Mission, has a population of 1.2 million and serves 37,862 members in eleven stakes.
—Canada Toronto West Mission, created from the Canada Toronto Mission, has a population of 4.3 million and serves 11,924 members in five stakes.
—Colorado Denver North Mission, created from the Colorado Denver Mission, has a population of 1.6 million and serves 40,000 members in thirteen stakes.
—Guatemala Guatemala City Central Mission, Guatemala’s fourth mission, includes eastern Belize and serves five stakes and 24,723 members.
—Latvia Riga Mission, created from the Russia St. Petersburg Mission, has a population of 8.1 million and serves 156 members.
—Nebraska Omaha Mission, created from the Missouri Independence Mission, has a population of 1.9 million and serves 12,532 members in four stakes and one district.
—New York New York South Mission, created from the New York New York Mission, has a population of 7.3 million and serves 6,453 members in one stake and one district.
—Peru Chiclayo Mission, Peru’s sixth mission, encompasses the northeastern corner of Peru and serves 14,460 members in four stakes.
—Romania Bucharest Mission, the first mission in this nation of more than 23 million people, serves approximately 100 members in the country’s one branch.
—Russia Samara Mission, Russia’s third mission, has a population of 5.5 million people, most of whom live near the Volga River.
—Tennessee Knoxville Mission, created from the Tennessee Nashville Mission, has a population of 2.7 million and serves 8,599 members in three stakes.
—Ukraine Donetsk Mission, created from the Ukraine Kiev Mission, has a population of 19.5 million and includes the southern part of the country, near the Black Sea.
These new missions bring the total number of missions in the world to 295.