Bells Will Mark Young Women Anniversary in November
March 1989

“Bells Will Mark Young Women Anniversary in November,” Ensign, Mar. 1989, 76

Bells Will Mark Young Women Anniversary in November

Local LDS Church leaders all over the world will ring bells on Saturday, 18 November 1989, to mark the 120th anniversary of the founding of the Young Women organization.

Ardeth G. Kapp, Young Women general president, announced that the worldwide celebration will commemorate President Brigham Young’s ringing of the prayer bell to call his daughters together at the Lion House on 28 November 1869. At that time he challenged them to set aside the things of the world and improve in everything that is good and beautiful.

The Young Ladies Retrenchment Society, now called the Young Women, was thus organized. Today, nearly 350,000 teenage girls in ninety-six countries belong to Young Women.

On November 18, young women will gather at sunrise in their local areas for the symbolic bell ringing and will hear a message by President Ezra Taft Benson.

Young Women of the Church have committed to live by seven values that can guide their lives, and each of the values has been assigned a color. As a “living monument to young women” and a reminder of the Young Women’s values, flowers in the value colors have been planted this year at the Lion House in Salt Lake City, Sister Kapp said.
