February 1975

“Comment,” Ensign, Feb. 1975, 78


Perfect Teacher’s Supplement

After receiving the 1974–75 Manual for the Melchizedek Priesthood quorums, I received the September Ensign, which states that the Ensign is a supplement to the manual—in other words, a perfect study companion. To me, this has always been the case. The September issue is, I might add, a perfect teacher’s supplement. I look forward to teaching the elders in my ward and am thankful for the words of the prophets that the magazine contains. I continue to build our family library with Church magazines, and find them to be a great source of reference.

Melvin Grant Koford
Cypress, California

Articles on Scandinavia

May I commend you for your very good articles on Scandinavia and Finland (July 1973). I should like to update the figures you printed concerning students in Seminary Home Study because it gives a clear picture of the growth and strength of the Church in this part of the world. Registration for the current Church history course is around 250 for Denmark, 170 for Finland, 130 for Norway, and 330 for Sweden, making a total of 880—about 100 over last year.

Richard Russell
Area Director, Department of Education, European Division,
Frankfurt, Germany

September Issue on Christ

The September special number is, to a degree, celestialized! One of my grandsons called the Ensign “the Heavenly Father book.”

J. Sedley Stanford
Logan, Utah

August Temple Issue

I just finished the August issue, and thought I’d never want it to end. It is a masterpiece, a classic most worthy of the subject it portrays.

Eldon D. Brinley
Corpus Christi Texas Stake Presidency

We were delighted to receive our August issue. What a wonderful display of the Washington Temple, both in pictures and information.

Mrs. Lita K. Crosby
San Juan, Puerto Rico

As participants in the open house tours of the magnificent Washington Temple, we were thrilled to see what a great “monument to spirituality” it truly is, and to know what a great blessing it will be to the Saints and to the Church in the eastern United States.

On September 1, President Edward E. Drury, Jr., Washington Temple president, spoke at a special sacrament meeting for many of the visiting members. In his remarks, President Drury alluded to the time when Joseph Smith arid others appealed to the government but heard the words, “Your cause is just, but I can do nothing for you.” In commenting on this, President Drury noted how marvelous it was to now have a temple in Washington, and what a long way the Church has come in the nation’s capitol from opposition to friendliness and acceptance of our members.

Rondo N. Jeffery
Troy, Michigan

You are undoubtedly aware of the typographical errors in the August issue. The correct date that the Savior appeared in the Kirtland Temple is April 3, 1836, instead of 1886, as noted.

Eddie R. Cox
Ohio Columbus Mission

The date of the Salt Lake Temple dedication was also printed incorrectly in the August Ensign. The temple was dedicated April 6, 1893, by President Wilford Woodruff, not April 6, 1898, as was printed on page 90.

The issue on the Washington Temple notes the comparative heights between the Washington Temple and the Washington Monument. Actually, the Washington Monument’s 555 plus feet almost doubles the 288 feet of the Washington Temple. The comparison was probably meant between the temple and the Capitol Building. Also, I think the Washington Stake, formed in 1941, was preceded by the New York Stake, formed in 1934, the Chicago Stake, formed in 1936.

David Dryden
Manvel, Texas

The note on comparative heights should have made clear that the figures related to height above sea level. While the Washington Monument rises 555 feet above sea level, the temple stands 585 feet above sea level—30 feet higher. Your observation about stake formation is accurate.


In our home we always welcome the Ensign with great enthusiasm, partly because we have a special interest in art. Months have passed since we have seen the Gospel-in-Art program mentioned. This is such a wonderful program—when is the next offering?

Mrs. William McGray
Mt. Juliet, Tenn.

The Gospel-in-Art program was announced in the December 1973 Ensign with Harry Anderson’s painting, “Gethsemane.” The Ensign’s goal is to offer a second painting soon. Some years there may be two paintings offered—other years, there may be none.
