The car drove on
December 1972

“The car drove on,” Ensign, Dec. 1972, 33

The car drove on

One Sunday night while returning from a district conference in England, where I was assigned as a building missionary, I noticed that the car was almost without fuel. The red warning light was burning, and I knew that only a few liters of fuel were left in the tank.

Because I did not feel good about buying fuel on Sunday, I decided to wait until Monday. However, on Monday morning at six o’clock, I had to drive for two and a half hours to take a plan to my building project assignment. I forgot about the car until I started the long drive. The warning light came on, and I suddenly realized that the fuel stations would not open for two hours.

There came into my mind a scripture I had read: “… he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do. …” (John 14:12.)

I just kept driving, thinking that somewhere perhaps a fuel station attendant would be inspired to get up early to service me. Half an hour went by, then an hour, one and a half hours, and I drove on. When two hours had passed, I saw a service station attendant opening up. At that moment the motor of the car stopped.

As the attendant filled up the tank, he said, “You were lucky. You were driving on your last drop of fuel. Your tank was completely empty when you drove in.”

“Yes,” I said, “I know the tank was empty.” The promises our Father in heaven has given us through the scriptures have all become very real to me, especially since that day.
