Go For the Light

“Of course it is true!”

01/10/24 | 1 min read
Each of us can gain our own witness.

Sometimes spiritual answers come quietly.

President Henry B. Eyring shared a story about a young man named Eric who questioned whether he had a testimony.

After reading the Book of Mormon, he was sure he was going to get an answer, but nothing happened. Then, Eric was prompted to look back on how much his life had changed for the better since he started reading.

“Without realizing it, the Book of Mormon had brought light and power into his life,” President Eyring said.

Eric felt the Spirit say, “Of course it’s true!”

Enlightened testimony. The Book of Mormon’s can help us see what we already know is true, and shed light on new truths too.

Check Back Tomorrow

We’ll explore another way the Book of Mormon can bring light into our lives.
