3:6Create, Creation See also Beginning; Earth; Jesus Christ; Sabbath Day; Spirit Creation To organize. God, working through His Son, Jesus Christ, organized the elements in nature to form the heavens and the earth. Heavenly Father and Jesus created man in Their image (Moses 2:26–27). In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, Gen. 1:1. Let us make man in our image, Gen. 1:26 (Moses 2:26–27; Abr. 4:26). All things were made by him, John 1:3, 10. By him were all things created that are in heaven, Col. 1:16 (Mosiah 3:8; Hel. 14:12). God made the worlds by his Son, Heb. 1:2. Man was created in the beginning, Mosiah 7:27. I created the heavens and the earth and all things, 3 Ne. 9:15 (Morm. 9:11, 17). All men were created in the beginning after mine own image, Ether 3:15. Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth, D&C 14:9. He created man, male and female, after his own image, D&C 20:18. Worlds without number have I created, Moses 1:33. By mine Only Begotten I created heaven, Moses 2:1. I, the Lord God, created all things spiritually before they were naturally upon the face of the earth, Moses 3:5. Millions of earths like this would not be a beginning to the number of thy creations, Moses 7:30. The Gods organized and formed the heavens, Abr. 4:1.