“Youth Voices: Goals That Stick,” New Era, Jan. 2015, 32–33
Youth Voices: Goals That Stick
It’s January 1—time to set some goals for the new year. Want to make sure you don’t forget about them by January 15? Find out what helps these youth finish what they start.
Illustration by Greg Newbold
Write Them Down
A goal is not a goal if it is not written down, so I have to write my goals in a table. When I accomplish one goal, I make a check and move on to the next. In order to keep your goals, two people are involved: God and yourself. We need to pray to Heavenly Father for guidance and for help in keeping our goals, and we need to keep an open mind and try to work toward our goals.
Rowallan N., 19, Zimbabwe
Make a Plan and Tell Others
It’s great to have my mom and dad help motivate me. When I was trying out for cheerleading, I set goals to push myself further, concentrate, and do my best. I kept these goals and ended up landing a spot on the varsity cheer team. My parents’ love and motivation—and my own perseverance to the end—helped a lot.
Aubrey C., 14, Michigan, USA
Be Willing to Do What It Takes
In fifth grade I did a science project designing pedestrian gates to make train crossings safer. I had to push myself to get my project done and to make it work. Several months later, after a girl was killed at a train crossing, I was asked to be interviewed by a newspaper and TV station about my project. I went to a city council meeting and spoke about how the city could use my ideas to make the train crossings safer. It took courage to stand up and talk to the city council members, but I learned that when you put time and effort into something, you can do things that seemed too hard at first.
James B., 14, Utah, USA
Review Your Goals
At the beginning of each year I make a list of specific goals for the year in my journal, including academic goals, new habits, and Personal Progress values that I want to complete in the year. I also write some statements of Church leaders that encourage me to work hard to achieve worthy goals. I review my list throughout the year, especially when I have to make choices about how to use my time.
Ana M., 17, Paraguay
Put God First
I have found that when I put God first, everything else will fall into place—maybe not at that moment, but eventually it will. Sometimes we can’t do all the things we want to do, so we should turn to the Lord to help us know what would be best in the long run. We should always listen to Him because He knows what is best for us.
Amy G., 18, Montana, USA