LOL: Love Out Loud
August 2012

“LOL: Love Out Loud,” New Era, Aug. 2012, 24–25

LOL: Love Out Loud


In a world where texting often replaces human interaction, it’s easy to forget that we need to show love in a visible way. We all care about our family, friends, and neighbors. But sometimes we’re not so good at showing how much we care. Here are some simple ways to love out loud.

  • Set aside time for your siblings. Play games or just talk together.

  • Rake leaves or shovel snow for your dad before he wakes up in the morning.

  • Give your mom a big hug.

  • Call someone just to say hello.

  • Send a letter to your grandpa or grandma.

  • Smile at the people you pass at school or in your neighborhood.

  • Spend time listening to and encouraging a family member or a friend.

  • Make treats for a family in your ward or branch.

  • Say “I love you” out loud to people you love.

  • Send a text message that shows you care: “You’re the best.” “Hope you feel better soon.” “Missed you today.”

  • Send a thoughtful note to a friend.

  • Do an extra household chore to lighten your mother’s load.

  • Support your siblings in their talents and activities. Attend their games, concerts, or performances whenever you can.

  • Help your parents by getting your younger siblings ready for church.

  • Say something nice to each family member.

  • Pick up a friend for a Mutual activity.

  • Offer to babysit for your Young Women or Young Men leaders.

  • Hang good-luck posters on a friends’ locker before a meet, game, or performance.

  • Make a card or treat on someone’s birthday.

  • Visit or call your grandparents and ask to hear stories about their childhood or their years spent raising your mom or dad.

  • Get your siblings together to make and serve dinner to your parents.

  • Tutor a friend in a school subject he or she doesn’t understand.

  • Teach somebody one of your hobbies, like playing the guitar or sewing.

  • Give a genuine compliment: “I love your laugh.” “You are always so nice.” “You look nice today.”

  • Help a sibling clean his or her room.

  • Thank your leaders after Church and Mutual activities.

  • Let someone else choose the movie or game on a family night.

Photographs by Church Publishing Services; Robert Casey; © Getty Images; © istock.com/ozgurdonmaz, cimmerian, markgillow
