“We’ve Got Mail,” New Era, Jan. 2005, 50
We’ve Got Mail
We love hearing from you. Write us at the following address. Please include the names of your ward and stake (or branch and district).
New Era
We’ve Got Mail
50 E. North Temple St. Rm. 2420
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3220, USA
Or e-mail us at
Submissions may be edited for length and clarity.
Breakfast of Missionaries
I like your magazine because it’s inspiring me to go on my mission. My mom reads it to us every morning while we eat breakfast. Listening to the uplifting stories helps me to be a better person during the day. Thanks for the help, and keep up the good work.
Paul Nielson, Lakeridge Eighth Ward, Orem Utah Lakeridge Stake
Dating Issue
Thank you for such a beautiful and inspirational October edition: “From First Date to Eternal Mate.” When I came home from school, the first thing I saw was the New Era. My mum had placed it on the table so I would not miss it. That day at school all 32 class members bombarded me with questions about my beliefs on dating and marriage. I explained why I’m not going to be dating until I turn 16, and why I don’t watch TV programs or movies or listen to music that is suggestive. On my way home I wondered what I could do on a date and how I should go about dating. In answer to my silent prayer, I opened the door and saw the New Era! I read it from cover to cover and deeply felt the Spirit, knowing that the things I had shared in class were true.
Rachel Gordon, Oxford Ward, Reading England Stake
Teen Teacher
I really enjoyed “Ten Terrific Teaching Tips” (Sept. 2004). They helped me give a more spiritual and more prepared family home evening lesson. They helped me reach out better to my family members. Now I enjoy preparing and presenting family home evening lessons each month.
Ashlee Edens, Harrisburg Ward, Harrisburg Pennsylvania Stake
Getting Her Money’s Worth
I am not a Mormon, but I have a friend who sends me New Era magazines. I have grown to look forward to receiving them, as they have many life lessons that help a young person grow in the Lord. I especially appreciate the recent article “Money Matters” (Sept. 2004). I have never been able to save money, but the budget forms are easy to understand and use. I am grateful to you for printing such articles. They are life lessons that I look forward to reading and implementing in my life.
Caroline Ofa Diloi, Suva, Fiji
Home Study
About one month ago, I got injured quite badly during a sports game. At times this injury prevented me from attending church. I would be lying at home, not being able to sit up for long. One Sunday I picked up the New Era. After I had read it, I picked up another and then another. After about two Sundays at home I had read all the copies of the New Era that we have in our living room. Even though I missed going to Young Women (and sometimes to Mutual activities), I felt as though I was still learning the Church’s principles.
Jessica Evans, Lake Rotoroa Ward, Hamilton New Zealand Glenview Stake
Illustrated by Bill Mayer