I Didn’t Want to Die
January 2004

“I Didn’t Want to Die,” New Era, Jan. 2004, 15

I Didn’t Want to Die

I thought I was dying of cancer like my mother. I pleaded with the Lord that I wouldn’t have to suffer as she had suffered.

When I was 12, my mother died of cancer. After her death, I thought I was dying of cancer, too. I didn’t really have cancer, but my thoughts were very real to me. I didn’t talk to anyone about it. I carried the burden alone and was quite troubled.

I knew that when we have a problem we should go to the Lord in prayer. I always said my individual prayers at night and would think my prayers in my head as I knelt by my bed. But this particular time, I felt I needed to pray out loud.

Now, it was not easy to find a time to be alone in our house. I had five brothers and sisters and shared a bedroom with a sister. One afternoon I remember coming home from school to an empty house. I went into the living room and poured out my heart aloud to my Heavenly Father. I didn’t want to die. I didn’t want to suffer as my mom had suffered. I pleaded with the Lord.

Immediately after I had closed my prayer, a peaceful, strong feeling surrounded me. It was as if loving arms were around my shoulders and as if a voice said to me, “You are fine. You are fine.”

My prayer had been answered. I felt very loved, and I knew I was okay. A huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders. My thoughts of dying left me. Since that time, I have prayed to my Heavenly Father for answers. The answers never have come as quickly as they did that day, but I know prayers are answered—even if it is in the Lord’s timing and not mine.

D&C 112:10 reads, “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.”

  • Marged A. Kirkpatrick is a member of the Holladay 26th Ward, Salt Lake Holladay Stake.

Illustrated by Steve Kropp
