Speak Your Language

“Speak Your Language,” A Missionary’s MTC Experience: Language 2015 (2015), 26

“Speak Your Language,” A Missionary’s MTC Experience, 26

Speak Your Language

elders studying

Speak Your Language (SYL)

You have been called to preach the gospel in a new language (D&C 90:11, 15–16). To learn a language, you must speak it as much as possible. You are expected to use all you know of your mission language at all times with your companions and teachers, both in and out of class. It will be difficult at first, but as you seek the Lord’s help and diligently use all the mission language you know, you will qualify for the gift of tongues. The following guidelines will help you “SYL”:

  • Use what you know. Use all the language you have learned so far to communicate what you can in your mission language.

  • Try first in the language. Even though you may think you don’t know how to say it, try saying it in the mission language. You will often be surprised at what you can say.

  • Ask permission. If you really don’t know how to say it, ask for permission to say it in your native language.

  • Find out how to say it. Keep a small notebook to record words and phrases you are not able to express in the mission language or unfamiliar vocabulary you would like to learn.

  • Do something more. Make an honest effort to continually improve your ability to communicate in your mission language by saying new things each day.
