Check Your Progress

“Check Your Progress,” A Missionary’s MTC Experience: Language 2015 (2015), 13–14

“Check Your Progress,” A Missionary’s MTC Experience, 13–14

Check Your Progress

Using the key below, read each statement and highlight the number that is true of you.

Key: 1 = never 2 = sometimes 3 = often 4 = almost always 5 = always

The Doctrine of Christ—The Missionary Purpose

  1. I seek to help others develop faith in Christ, repent, be baptized, receive the Holy Ghost, and endure to the end.

  2. I feel genuine love for those I teach.

  3. I seek to help others strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ as I teach.

  4. I invite my investigators to make one or more commitments as part of each visit.

  5. I invite my investigators to be baptized in the first lesson.

  6. I invite my investigators to be baptized with a specific date no later than the second lesson.

The Role of the Holy Ghost in Conversion

  1. I feel the presence of the Holy Ghost in my life.

  2. I try to discern my investigators’ needs.

  3. I try to notice spiritual impressions and ideas that come to my mind and heart as I teach.

  4. I follow the spiritual impressions and ideas that come to my mind and heart as I teach.

  5. My investigators understand the role of the Holy Ghost in their conversion.

  6. I follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost to help others accept the invitation to be baptized.

Revelation through Prayer

  1. My investigators understand that prayer is a commandment.

  2. My investigators know how to pray sincerely and with real intent.

  3. My investigators know how the Holy Ghost operates so that they recognize answers to their prayers.

  4. I invite the head of the household to offer a kneeling prayer at the close of the first lesson.

  5. I invite my investigators to offer kneeling prayers in later lessons.

Revelation through the Book of Mormon

  1. My investigators understand that gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon is central to knowing that Joseph Smith was a prophet.

  2. My investigators read from the Book of Mormon between teaching visits.

  3. If my investigators do not complete reading assignments, my companion and I read with them.

  4. I invite my investigators to pray to know the Book of Mormon is true.

Revelation through Church Attendance

  1. I help my investigators understand why it’s important to keep the Sabbath day holy.

  2. My investigators understand how to keep the Sabbath day holy.

  3. I involve the ward council in helping investigators attend church.

  4. I invite my investigators to attend church.

  5. My investigators attend church.

Teach People, Not Lessons

  1. When I teach, I follow a lesson plan that was created according to the needs of my investigators.

  2. I change what I teach according to impressions from the Holy Ghost.

  3. I am more focused on the investigators’ needs/understanding than on covering all the points of the lesson.

  4. I seek the gift of discernment when teaching in order to know what questions to ask.

  5. I listen carefully in order to discern the thoughts and needs of my investigators.

  6. I act on the impressions that come to my mind and heart as I teach.

  7. I am patient in trying to understand the needs of my investigators.

  8. I am comfortable with silence as I teach.

  9. I present the doctrine in clear and simple terms.

We Invite, They Commit, We Follow Up

  1. I am bold and loving when extending commitment invitations.

  2. I understand how extending commitment invitations helps me fulfill the purpose of missionary work.

  3. I think about appropriate invitations to extend as I prepare to teach.

  4. I help others to make commitments out of a desire to draw closer to the Lord, not out of obligation to me.

  5. I follow up on all invitations with the intent of providing support and encouragement.

How to Begin Teaching (Preach My Gospel, 176–77)

  1. When I teach a first lesson, I begin by using several of the bullet points from “How to Begin Teaching.”

  2. I apply the bullet points differently with each investigator based on the promptings of the Holy Ghost.

  3. My investigators understand the purpose of our visits.

  4. My investigators understand my role in helping them receive the blessings of the gospel and the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
