We Can Help Others Feel Loved and Included
September 2022

“We Can Help Others Feel Loved and Included,” Liahona, Sept. 2022.

Ministering Principles

We Can Help Others Feel Loved and Included

The Savior experienced rejection and taught us how to reach out.

lawn mower

Sasha is a young single woman in a family ward, which isn’t always easy. She feels happy and fulfilled but often very different—and a little conspicuous—around other ward members. Like most of us, she longs for acceptance and belonging.

Thomas, an older man in the ward, was assigned as her ministering brother and stopped by with his wife one day to get to know Sasha. The visit was a little awkward as the conversation turned to her single status. But as they talked, Sasha could tell that Thomas and his wife were just trying to understand her situation and how they could help.

At one point, Thomas said, “I noticed your yard might need a little love. I’d love to help you with that.”

Sasha’s profession keeps her so busy that taking care of her yard isn’t her top priority. And besides, she doesn’t enjoy it. She knows how to do yard work, and she knows she could do it. But that doesn’t change the fact that she loathes it.

There was a time that his question might have hurt her feelings. But Thomas mentioned that he’d been in the military and understood what a woman often has to do on her own when her husband is not around. She recognized that Thomas was simply looking for a way to deepen their friendship. He was trying to combine his life experience with hers and find common ground.

Both sides of this ministering relationship learned to love and accept each other from where they were, and a close, genuine friendship developed.

And Sasha’s lawn never looked better.

The Perfect Example of Inclusion

In the Old Testament, Isaiah prophesied that Jesus Christ would know exactly what it’s like to be different. He experienced being excluded and mistreated. “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief” (Isaiah 53:3). Through His perfect love, He knows how we feel and knows how to succor us (see Alma 7:12). He is the perfect example of how we can reach out in love to include others, no matter their circumstances or appearance.

Principles to Consider

As you look for ways to help others feel that they belong, consider these principles the Savior taught and lived:

  • Be willing to get to know people outside of those you already know (see Matthew 5:43–48).

  • Don’t be afraid to associate with those who may live or believe differently if it doesn’t mean compromising the Savior’s teachings (see Mark 2:14–17; Luke 7:38–50).

  • Everyone should feel like we want them at church (see 3 Nephi 18:22–32). Being where they can learn the Savior’s gospel and feel His love can change anyone.

  • The Savior knows what we need, in part because He knows how we feel (see Alma 7:11–12). We can show love by seeking to understand others’ experiences and putting ourselves in their shoes.

  • The Savior took time to be present in response to the needs of those around Him. He stopped to care for others even when He had plans to be elsewhere (see Mark 5:22–43).

What Can We Do?

two women

Don’t let differences stop you from getting to know those to whom you minister. No matter our differences, there is common ground to be discovered.
