“Sharing Time: I Live in a Beautiful World,” Tambuli, Mar. 1990, 10
Sharing Time:
I Live in a Beautiful World
Behold, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, who created the heavens and the earth (D&C 14:9).
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ created our beautiful world for us. The prophet Nephi wrote: “The Lord hath created the earth that it should be inhabited; and he hath created his children that they should possess it” (1 Ne. 17:36). We enjoy our world through our five senses. We can enjoy a pretty flower by seeing it, smelling it, and touching it. We can hear the pleasant songs of birds and the thunder in a storm. We can taste vegetables and other good foods that grow in the earth.
Look at the pictures of things that Heavenly Father and Jesus made for us to enjoy in our beautiful world, then circle the name of each sense that you would use to enjoy each one. When you have finished, count the number of times you circled each sense, then color the picture.

Illustrated by Dick Brown
My Five Senses
I have two ears, which let me hear.
I have a nose, to smell.
I have a tongue to taste the food
I like to eat so well.
I have some skin—it covers me
And lets me feel and touch.
I have two eyes, which let me see
The world I love so much.
Sharing Time Ideas
Use pictures to teach the song “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” (Sing with Me, B-59).
Invite five children to be “experts,” one for each sense. Mask their other senses by blindfolding, pinching nose, or placing cotton in ears. Ask each child to identify objects by using only the sense assigned to him/her.
Divide children into five groups, and assign one of the five senses to each group. See how many of Heavenly Father’s creations each group can list or draw for the sense assigned to it. Have groups compare lists and cross out duplications to see how many are unique to each list. Point out that we often use more than one sense at a time.
Have younger children use the poem as a finger play by pointing to each part of the body when mentioned. Children could draw eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and fingers on a paper plate or a piece of paper.