What’s on Your Mind?
July 2023

“What’s on Your Mind,” Friend, July 2023, 42.

What’s on Your Mind?

My parents aren’t sealed in the temple. Does that mean I can’t be part of a forever family?

—Wondering in Warsaw

Story PDF

Dear Wondering,

You are a child of heavenly parents. Even before you came to this earth, you were part of Their family. And that will never change! So no matter what, you will always be part of a forever family!

Heavenly Father loves you and your parents very much. He wants you all to return to Him. He will keep blessing and guiding you and your family. Pray to Him about your worries, and He will comfort you.

With love,

The Friend

Draw each member of your family and something you love about them! Look for the good in your family. Tell them what you see!
