Following Jesus in Nepal
July 2023

“Following Jesus in Nepal,” Friend, July 2023, 16–17.

Following Jesus in Nepal

Meet Samyog!

Photo of boy wearing hat

About Samyog

Photo of smiling boy holding potted plant

Age: 9

From: Bagmati Province, Nepal

Languages: Nepali, English

Goals and dreams: 1) Become a pilot. 2) Follow Jesus Christ. 3) Name his first son “Sreejal,” which means purity.

Family: Samyog, Aama (Mom), Buba (Dad), and two didis (older sisters)

How Samyog Follows Jesus

Photo of boy playing in park

In Nepal, not many people are Christians. Many people do not know much about Jesus Christ at all. Samyog loves to tell others about Jesus.

One time, Samyog’s school had a Christmas celebration to help students learn about holidays around the world. Samyog shared that he is Christian. He answered his teachers’ and classmates’ questions about Jesus.

“I want to follow Jesus Christ all my life,” Samyog said.

Samyog’s Favorites

Living room, bowl with chicken, and piece of cake

Story about Jesus: When He died for us because He loves us

Place: The living room in his home

Primary Song: “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11)

Foods: Cake and kukhura (chicken)

Colors: Orange and blue

Subjects in school: Science and math

Story PDF

Illustrations by Aaron Cushley
