Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones
July 2023

Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones,” Friend, July 2023, 49.

New Testament

Come, Follow Me Activities for Little Ones

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For Acts 1–5

Help your little ones say, “I can follow the prophet.” Show them a picture of President Nelson and sing the chorus of “Follow the Prophet” (Children’s Songbook, 110–11). Talk about a time when you followed the prophet.

For Acts 6–9

Gather your little ones and turn off the lights in a room. Use a flashlight to guide them around the room. Explain that the Holy Ghost is like a flashlight because He can guide us and show us the way.

For Acts 10–15

With your little ones, look at pictures of children with different skin colors, body types, and physical abilities. Explain that Heavenly Father loves all His children. Help your little ones make a heart with their hands and hold it next to the pictures.

For Acts 16–21

Help your little ones make missionary tags with their names and the full name of the Church. Explain that missionaries teach people about Jesus. Tape the tags on and help your little ones say why they love Jesus.
