Love for All of God’s Children
April 2021

“Love for All of God’s Children,” Friend, April 2021

From the First Presidency

Jesus Said Love Everyone

Adapted from Facebook post, June 1, 2020.

pictures of children from around the world

When Jesus was on the earth, He constantly helped those who were left out, overlooked, or mistreated. As His followers, we must do the same! We believe in freedom, kindness, and fairness for all of God’s children.

We are all brothers and sisters, each one a child of a loving Father in Heaven. His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, invites all to come to Him, “black and white, bond and free, male and female” (2 Nephi 26:33). Every son and daughter of God deserves respect, no matter what their color or beliefs are. Let us show love for all of God’s children.

coloring page
Friend Magazine, Global 2021/04 Apr

Illustrations by Sarah Jennings
