December 2014

“P.S.” Friend, Dec. 2014, 48


cartoon and photo

We hope you enjoyed this month’s magazine. Please write to tell us what you liked!

How to Write to the Friend

To send us a letter, drawing, poem, or photograph …

  1. Fill out the form below and include it with your submission.

  2. Include a school photo or high-quality snapshot.

  3. We might edit your submission for length or clarity, and we can’t return it to you.

  4. You must be at least three years old to send us a submission.

Through Your Eyes

I took this picture by my house on Christmas. I thought it was cool how the ice formed on the grass. I like it that Heavenly Father makes beautiful things.

Michael H., age 11, South Dakota, USA

The Last Laugh

Why is your Christmas tree covered with pedigree charts?

It’s our family tree!
