April 1990

“Puddles,” Friend, Apr. 1990, 30–31


I will give you rain in due season (Lev. 26:4).

“I love puddles,” Alice said. “Here, Puppy,” she called. “Let’s play outside in the puddles.”

Alice showed Puppy her rainy-day toy box. “First we’ll play with things that float,” she told Puppy. Alice floated a red rubber band, a blue feather, and a lollipop stick in the puddle. She and Puppy played with the floating things for a long time.

“Now let’s play with things that sink,” Alice said. She took out of her rainy-day toy box a heavy yellow button, a green marble, and a gold key. Alice and Puppy played for a long time with the things that sink.

“Now let’s splash in the puddles,” Alice said to Puppy. Alice and Puppy jumped and splashed in the big puddles. Alice made footprints on the sidewalk. Puppy made paw prints on the sidewalk.

Puppy barked because he was so happy. Alice sang a happy rainy-day song:

“I love raindrops

When they fall

Against my windowpane,

Because I know that

Soon there’ll be

Puddles from the rain.”

Alice and Puppy were very tired at bedtime. But before Alice went to sleep, she knelt beside her bed to say her prayers. “Thank you, Heavenly Father, for sending raindrops,” she whispered. “And thank you for puddles and for Puppy too.”

Illustrated by Shauna Mooney
