“Contents,” Ensign, Aug. 2007, 1–3
August 2007
Volume 37 Number 8
Do You Have a Story to Tell?
The Ensign invites you to share your experiences with being prepared. Tell us how you have benefited physically, emotionally, and spiritually from building and using home storage, creating a financial reserve, gardening, and planning for emergencies. Please label your submission “Preparation” and send it by September 14.
We also welcome other submissions that show the gospel of Jesus Christ at work in your life. Publication criteria are posted at http://ensign.lds.org. Under “Resources,” click “Ensign Magazine Writers’ Guidelines.”
Send submissions to ensign@ldschurch.org or Ensign Editorial, 50 E. North Temple Street, Room 2420, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3220, USA. Include your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, ward (or branch), and stake (or district). Because of the volume of submissions, we cannot acknowledge receipt. Authors whose work is selected for publication will be notified. If you would like your manuscript, photos, art, or other material returned, please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
The Ensign can be found on the Internet at http://ensign.lds.org
Using This Issue
Loving our neighbors. Several articles in this month’s issue discuss or demonstrate the principle of loving others (see pp. 4, 9, 24, and 64). You might prayerfully consider ways you can show more love to those around you, even when it doesn’t seem you share common ground.
Sharing the gospel. Members everywhere are finding ways to share the gospel through their daily actions. After reading “How to Be a Great Member Missionary” (p. 50) and “United by Prayer” (p. 72), think about ways you might adopt some of these methods.
Feasting on the word. Improving scripture study blessed one couple with answers to their questions and problems (see p. 42). If you’re looking to enhance your own study, consider using, for example, the Guide to the Scriptures. This online resource defines selected doctrines, principles, people, and places found in the standard works and can help you in your individual and family scripture study. The Guide to the Scriptures and other study helps are available at www.lds.org under “Gospel Library.”
Coming in September
Look for articles on:
Overcoming obstacles in dating.
Helping those with disabilities.
Seeking learning by faith.
On the cover: Photographs by Matthew Reier, posed by models.
Inside front cover: Peace, by Emie Bishop. Influenced by the November 1989 collapse of the Berlin wall, Emie Bishop designed this sampler to represent peace. The neutral colors represent the quiet behind-the-scenes work that went on before November 1989. She chose more than 25 difficult, intricate types of stitches to represent the difficulties that had to be overcome to reunify Germany, the country where her husband served his mission and a land both of them love.
Tabitha, Arise, by Sandy Freckleton Gagon