October 1996

“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 1996, 1


October 1996

Volume 26 Number 10

On the cover: Front: Photo by Steve Bunderson. Back: Photo by Welden Andersen.

Inside front cover: Gentle Healer, by Greg K. Olsen © 1989 Conceptions Unlimited Investments, Inc., oil on canvas, 14″ x 22″, 1989.

Inside back cover: Waipio Chapel, by Al Rounds, watercolor on paper, 53.5″ x 37.5″, 1995. Original art in a private collection. The Waipio Chapel, on the northern end of the island of Hawaii, is depicted here as it would have appeared during the late 1800s. Chapels such as this were built in various valleys to accommodate the Church’s significant growth in the Hawaiian Islands in the 19th century.
