New Video Profiles Church Doctrine, Practices
June 1994

“New Video Profiles Church Doctrine, Practices,” Ensign, June 1994, 80

New Video Profiles Church Doctrine, Practices

A new Church-produced documentary is now available to television stations, libraries, and other organizations around the United States.

The 28-minute program, A Profile of Faith, features statements from Latter-day Saints in nations as diverse as Mexico, Australia, South Africa, and Brazil. The video addresses a wide range of topics: Church doctrine and organization, Christian service, health practices, lay ministry, and Church scriptures, including the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Central to the production, which was filmed primarily on location, are Church members’ expressions of their belief in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Exemplar for mankind.

“We wanted something to help make the Church better known and understood,” explained Don Russell, media placement specialist for Church Public Affairs. “We also wanted a program with an international angle that reflected the international membership of the Church.

“We were looking for something that television stations could use, but something that could also be distributed to libraries, communities, and civic and religious organizations that explained something about what we believe and how we live.”

Another important theme of the documentary is the Church’s emphasis on rearing successful families. Latter-day Saint families from England and South Africa share their feelings on family unity developed through commitment to common values and activities. The family home evening program is also explained.

Also discussed is the Latter-day Saint view of the eternal nature of the family, reflected in the Church’s worldwide construction and operation of temples where faithful Church members are married for time and eternity.

A Profile of Faith (VHS) is available for three dollars from the Salt Lake Distribution Center, 1999 West 1700 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104, or by calling (in the United States and Canada) 1-800-537-5950. Ask for item number 53421. A two-dollar service charge will be added to each phone order.