Lunch with Dad
August 1986

“Lunch with Dad,” Ensign, Aug. 1986, 62

Lunch with Dad

“Bye, Daddy, see you tonight.” Our two small boys saw their daddy leave for work every morning, but they did not know much about where he went or what he did during the day. They just knew their daddy went to work. My husband works in the research library at a large university. So to give our boys a better understanding of their dad’s job, we let them visit him at work.

I drove our son to the library at the start of the lunch hour. His dad gave him a short tour of the library and his office. Then for a special treat, he took him to lunch at the student union.

When I returned to pick up our boy at the end of the lunch hour, he couldn’t stop talking about the great time he’d had sitting at his daddy’s desk, working the computer, and eating the hamburger, french fries, and ice cream cone he’d had for lunch. His dad couldn’t stop talking about it either. Later our other boy had his turn. These experiences were memorable ones for our children as well as their dad. Patty Fargo, Los Angeles, California

Photography by Marty Mayo
