Notice the little details of God’s Creations
Gospel Living

We are surrounded by beautiful creations.

11/03/22 | 1 min read
Here’s a game to try!

Nature is a reminder of God’s power and love for us. As Bishop Gérald Caussé taught, “Our interactions with the beauties of nature around us can produce some of the most inspiring and delightful experiences in life.”1

Take a look at these two illustrations. Can you spot all 10 differences? (Scroll to the bottom of the post for hints!)

Notice the little details of God’s Creations
Notice the little details of God’s Creations

Our Stewardship

Bishop Caussé invited us to think about how we are caring for the earth. What one’s thing you could do to take care of the nature around you?

1. From “Our Earthly Stewardship,” Oct. 2022 general conference, Oct. 2022.

4 differences are with flowers
2 with birds
1 with lizards
1 with the deer
1 on the turtle
1 in the sky
