Jesus Christ
Gospel Living

True or false: God wants us to feel JOY in life.

11/10/22 | 1 min read
It’s true!

Scriptures like 2 Nephi 2:25 remind us that life isn’t just meant to be endured—it’s meant to be enjoyed! Multiple people at general conference spoke about this idea as well. Here are six of our favorite quotes:

  1. “You can build a joyful, happy life because Jesus Christ is your strength.”1 —Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf
  2. “We can feel joy as we pursue, individually and communally, ‘the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ’ [Ephesians 4:13].”2 —Elder D. Todd Christofferson
  3. “Focusing on the Savior and our covenants brings lasting joy! … True discipleship leads to a fulness of joy.”3 —Elder Kevin W. Pearson
  4. “As you allow your love for the Savior and His love for you to sink deep into your heart, I promise you added confidence, peace, and joy in meeting the challenges of your life.”4 —Elder Neil L. Andersen
  5. “Living His way brings joy and peace, and He invited others to that way of living with gentleness, kindness, and love.”5 —Sister J. Anette Dennis
  6. “True, enduring joy and eternity with those we love are the very essence of God’s plan of happines. … Our joy becomes full as we feel Jesus Christ’s grace and forgiveness for us.”6 —Elder Gerrit W. Gong

This doesn’t mean that life will always be easy. But God wants us to soak up whatever happy times come our way. Staying close to Him will always lead to a happier life. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise!

Joy Journal

What brings you joy? Start writing down your happy moments each day!

1. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth,” general conference, Oct. 2022.
2. D. Todd Christofferson, “The Doctrine of Belonging,” general conference, Oct. 2022.
3. Kevin W. Pearson, “Are You Still Willing?,” general conference, Oct. 2022.
4. Neil L. Andersen, “Drawing Closer to the Savior,” general conference, Oct. 2022.
5. J. Anette Dennis, “His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Is Light,” general conference, Oct. 2022.
6. Gerrit W. Gong, “Happy and Forever,” general conference, Oct. 2022.
