Temple Recommend Question Campaign
Gospel Living

Honesty includes not lying—and so much more.

10/25/21 | 1 min read
Let’s explore temple recommend question 9.

The ninth temple recommend question reads, “Do you strive to be honest in all that you do?”

Obviously, we shouldn’t outright lie—like we shouldn’t tell our parents we did well on a test when we actually failed it.

But this goes beyond not telling lies. For example:

  • If you buy something and get too much change back, do you keep it or return it?
  • If you accidentally scratch someone’s car in a parking lot, do you leave a note with your contact information so you can resolve it?
  • If there’s a way to download pirated movies online without paying for them, do you still choose to purchase them the legal way instead?

As President Russell M. Nelson testified, “Inner peace comes only as we maintain the integrity of truth in all aspects of our lives.”1 So let’s embrace truth and choose peace!

Why It Matters

Why does honesty matter? How can living honestly help your life be more peaceful?


1. From “Living by Scriptural Guidance,” general conference, Oct. 2000.
