Mental Awareness
Gospel Living

Being “normal” isn’t the most important thing in life.

05/25/21 | 1 min read
You are unique, and that’s a good thing!

Have you ever been in a situation where people were dressed in similar ways, using similar words, talking about similar things... and you felt totally out of place?

You might think that means something is wrong with you. But it doesn’t!

Who says everyone is supposed to be the same? God created each of us with a different combination of talents, hobbies, interests, opinions, and characteristics. He sent us to earth to experience a different combination of blessings and challenges.

All of this variety is part of His plan. So, what is different about you? It might be something He wants you to develop and fine-tune. Or it might be something He wants you to overcome and learn from.

It’s up to you—with help from the Holy Ghost and other trusted sources—to figure out which parts of “you” need to be cultivated and tamed, and which parts need to be weeded out.

Obviously, God wants us all to keep His commandments, have faith in Him, and serve others. But for most everyday choices in life, there isn’t only one specific “right” thing to do. So stick with the Spirit, and don’t be afraid to celebrate the good things that are unique about you!

Magazine Connection

This month’s magazine talks about how the Savior can help us be resilient when facing feelings like sadness and fear. You should take a look! Link below.

This is part of a series related to the March For the Strength of Youth magazine.
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