Scripture Study
Gospel Living

He’s trying to communicate with us.

04/05/22 | 1 min read
Are we listening?

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. Think of Him as a kind of messenger from Heavenly Father. He helps warn and comfort us, and He testifies truth. Here are three ways to hear the Holy Ghost more clearly in your life:

  • Stand in holy places. We can choose to be in places where He will be—places that teach eternal truths, like the temple. Even your room can be a holy place when you invite the Spirit.
  • Listen. The world is a busy and loud place. Take time to pray, and set aside time in a quiet place to listen.
  • Find how He speaks to you. The Spirit communicates in many ways—ideas, feelings, and so on. He may be speaking to you more than you think. How does He inspire, comfort, and counsel you personally?

Top Priority

What’s something you can do to pay extra attention to the Spirit this week?

PS: Here’s a social media extra. Read how Shyanne⁣ was blessed when she listened to the Holy Ghost. If you’re on Instagram, remember to follow “Strive to Be,” one of the Church’s channels specifically for youth!
