How do I get over feelings of loneliness?
October 2020

“How do I get over feelings of loneliness?” New Era, Oct. 2020, 44–45.

Questions & Answers

How do I get over feelings of loneliness?

young woman

Photograph by Kay Lynn Hodges

Develop Your Talents

young man

I get over my feelings of loneliness by developing my talents, whether it be a musical instrument, a hobby, etc. This helps to distract you from your feeling of loneliness, and often it will go away completely. This will also lead to finding others who share your interests.

Steven H., 12, New Mexico, USA

Trust the Lord

Leaving home to come to Brazil for my mission was hard. I hardly even spoke the language! But I’ve learned that if you have the Lord’s Spirit with you, you never feel lonely. He knows you and will always help you. Trust Him!

Elder Joseph Tolen, 20, Brazil Campinas Mission

Seek the Light

young woman

I seek the support, encouragement, and love of Heavenly Father and the Holy Ghost to give me peace, hope, and strength when meditating, praying, and reading the scriptures. As it says in 3 Nephi 11:11, Jesus Christ is “the light and the life of the world.” He came to dispel all darkness.

Andrea B., 18, Zulia, Venezuela

Reach Out to Friends and Family

When I feel alone, I like to reach out to my friends and family; it really makes me feel happy. I look at the blessings in my life and thank Heavenly Father for how much He has already given to me!

Talli N., 16, Oregon, USA

Remember God’s Plan

young man

Know that through God’s plan, we are everything but lonely. The Holy Ghost is always with us, and God knows what we’re struggling with. The Lord went through every trial and struggle you face. One of the most important things we feel in mortality is happiness, but we can’t have happiness without sadness (see 2 Nephi 2:11). Pray to God and ask for help; He won’t fail any of us.

Brock S., 17, Utah, USA