Prophets: A Sign of God’s Love
September 2018

“Prophets: A Sign of God’s Love,” New Era, Sept. 2018, 32–33.

Last Word

Prophets: A Sign of God’s Love

I want to testify to you that President Russell M. Nelson is the prophet of God on earth. I have never seen anyone more kind and loving than he is. Though I felt so inadequate for this sacred call to serve as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, his words and the tender look in his eyes as he extended this responsibility made me feel embraced by the Savior’s love.

Isn’t it a blessing to have prophets, seers, and revelators on earth in these days in which we live, who seek to know the will of the Lord and follow it? It is comforting to know that we are not alone in the world, despite the challenges we face in life. Having prophets is a sign of God’s love for His children. They make known the promises and the true nature of God and of Jesus Christ to Their people.

From the bottom of my heart, I testify that the prophets speak by the power of the Holy Spirit. They testify of Christ and His divine mission on earth. They represent the mind and heart of the Lord and are called to represent Him and teach us what we must do to return to live in the presence of God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We are blessed as we exercise our faith and follow their teachings. By following them, our lives are happier and less complicated, our difficulties and problems are easier to bear, and we create a spiritual armor around us that will protect us from the attacks of the enemy in our day.

I solemnly testify that Jesus Christ is risen, He lives, and He directs His Church on earth through His prophets, seers, and revelators. I testify that He is the Savior and Redeemer of the world and that through Him we can be saved and exalted in the presence of our dear God. I love Him; I adore Him. I want to follow Him and do His will and become more like Him.