August 1981

“Feedback,” New Era, Aug. 1981, 3


More than a uniform

The New Era has been a great tool in the spiritual education of our children. We all look forward to it each month. However, the April Feedback had a letter that we felt was cruel and unjust. We would like to respond to the letter titled “Half-dressed Scouts.” The Scouting program is a wonderful program for all boys! It would be marvelous if every boy had an entire outfit. But this isn’t possible due to the expense. A full uniform isn’t required in most areas. Instead, only the shirt and neckerchief are. Many Scouts and their families struggle just to get those. If the entire uniform was essential, many boys would not be in the program, and that would be a shame because there is more to Scouting than its covering.

The December cover was beautiful, and those two “half-dressed” Scouts didn’t hamper the spirit of it. A Scout is more than a uniform just as a soldier is more than his. What about those men who fought at Valley Forge, or those who fought in biblical times when only the Romans had uniforms? We pray that those two “half-dressed” boys on the cover won’t give up Scouting and its wonderful program because of those negative comments. We also hope that other Scouts, full or half-dressed, won’t think that the uniform is what the program is all about. A Scout is much more than a mere outfit! He is a willing spirit who is trying to better himself and his surroundings. If the uniform is all that important, then the entire Scouting program has failed because it definitely has the wrong priorities. The outfit doesn’t make the boy—the soul does.

All those souls on the December cover radiated the true spirit of Scouting. The photograph gave many boys a chance to see what Scouting is—a wonderful learning experience that is enjoyed by all who participate in it no matter what they wear!

The Sherrow, Jr., Family
Big Rapids, Missouri

P.S. I’m the mother of a “fully dressed Scout,” but I have been den mother to many half-dressed packs. I’ve also had a half-dressed Scout in my own family. My son worked for his uniform and he wore each part proudly when he got it. It took a long time and he was fortunate to be able to do it. Others aren’t so lucky.

Magic journey

I would like to thank you for the New Era. I just came home from school and saw a pile of New Eras on my study desk, just crying to be read. As I began my journey through those magic pages, fond memories came to me, reminding me how much those articles helped me in times of need. In every magazine I find something to help me. I really love reading the fiction stories and the Mormonisms. The article “A Notebook by Any Other Name” by Janet Brigham in the June 1980 New Era helped me begin my journal, which was once a great stumbling block. “Taking Control of Your Life and Other Odds and Ends” (September 1980) helped me to establish study habits for grade 11, and the article “Decisions Determine Destiny” (November 1979) helped me decide to return to school after a year of absence. I would like to thank the people who have contributed to the New Era. I know many other Latter-day Saints who really love reading it.

Vannessa Morgan
Brown Plains, Queensland, Australia

Answers to my prayers

I have been reading the New Era for six years now and have always enjoyed every issue. But I never had any particular impressions that made me feel “I sure would like to write and tell you”—until now! I read with interest “The Only Way to Be Happy” about Pat Holland in the April issue. I am a wife and mother, and some of the things she offered the youth of the Church on preparing for marriage will strengthen my own marriage. Her suggestions are answers to my prayers as I have sought for ways to strengthen my life. I’m thankful for all the Church magazines. They teach us truth and help us develop our personalities. I am grateful with all my heart to be numbered with those who read the New Era.

Lee Bolinger
Lamar, Colorado

Those beautiful girls

Thank you for sharing with us “Walk in White.” My heart was full and tears came to my eyes as I saw those beautiful girls—so many of them—carrying the banners that so many hours of loving work went into.

Mrs. Evelyn B. Scott
Iowa City, Iowa

How to get “How to get a job”

My husband and I were very interested in the April New Era article “How to Get a Job” by Nancy and John Wudel. I would like to order 50 copies of the article or get permission to copy it. We own a combined bakery, gift shop, and restaurant. I feel this article should be given to all potential employees.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hettick
Redding, California

From the tip of Africa

From the tip of Africa we’d like to thank you for the greatest magazine ever! We look forward to each issue. One story that really touched our hearts was “Just Be My Son” in the November New Era. We like all the stories that are written by Jack Weyland too.

Charlie and Naeline
Cape Town, South Africa

Dominion opinion

I would like to express my thanks for “Man’s Dominion” by Hugh Nibley in the January–February New Era. This was truly an answer to my prayers as I had been praying most sincerely for guidance on the subject of man’s responsibility toward the animal kingdom. I had always felt in my heart that the principles Brother Nibley brings forth were true. It was the sayings of some earlier prophets about animals that first interested me in the Church. Brother Nibley has certainly helped me with his message.

I also appreciated the words of President Kimball in the fall conference of 1978 concerning the wanton killing of animals. May God continue to bless these men for their work. I am so grateful to belong to the same true church as men such as these.

Francis E. Robertson
Hibbing, Minnesota

I love him

I want to express how much the New Era means in my life. I’m an 18-year-old girl living in a town of about twenty thousand people. There are about one hundred eighty members who come regularly to our meetings. They give me love, encouragement, and many other things, but the New Era gives me the opportunity to read good wholesome literature. It gives me encouragement in ways that can only come from reading. It gives me the opportunity to meet and grow with other Latter-day Saints. Through this I have come to know that Spencer W. Kimball is a true prophet of God, that God is real, that Jesus Christ died for us so that we might live. He broke the bonds of death to give us immortality. What a great gift! I hope and pray that I will be a worthy daughter of my Heavenly Father for eternity so that I may bask in his rich blessings. I have felt Jesus’ love and I know that he has felt mine too. I want everyone to know that I love him. It will be glorious when all the children of our Heavenly Father can meet as one congregation and sing praises to his name.

Lauralie Wales
Tuesnel, British Columbia, Canada