A Superactivity
July 1972

“A Superactivity,” New Era, July 1972, 32

A Superactivity

Why is a superactivity super? Earning the right to go is half the fun. The 17th Ward of the Las Vegas East Stake plans two superactivities for the Explorer-aged boys every year. One activity takes place in the winter and is usually a cross-country skiing adventure or a snowmobiling trip. In the summer, for the past few years, the superactivity has truly been super. It is a scuba-diving water-skiing campout trip to Catalina Island. Qualifying to go on this super outing involves more than just being the right age. During the year each boy fills several requirements before he is allowed to go: 100 percent attendance at MIA with no unexcused absences, and 75 percent attendance at all other Church meetings. Each boy must be dressed in his official Explorer uniform every week. Three nonmembers were included in the group this year, and although they were not required to attend priesthood meeting, they had to attend two sacrament meetings and two Sunday School meetings per month. They also had to have 100 percent attendance at MIA and wear their Explorer uniforms. In addition to these requirements, each boy had to earn five merit badges in the six-month period preceding the activity.

As difficult and rigid as these qualifications may seem, it is interesting to note that fifteen boys met the requirements for this summer’s superactivity trip to Catalina Island and that each boy actually looked forward to completing the necessary requirements.

Camping gear, scuba diving equipment, and plenty of food were packed for the trip to Catalina, and the group of Explorers along with six enthusiastic leaders headed for the California coast. The boats were launched in the early morning when the sea was calm. Proper compass settings were important in reaching their destination. Catalina is some twenty miles from the California coast, and the boat trip to the island is scenic and refreshing.

Instead of camping in or near Catalina’s one large city, Avalon, the group went to the other end of the island and pitched their tents on the large isthmus that protrudes north from the island. Camp was organized, and most important of all, a large cooking area with stoves and necessary kitchen gear was laid out in a central location.

The opportunity for activity seemed to be endless. The early morning hours were spent in the bay water skiing and swimming. This was an ideal time because the water was calm. During the afternoon when the water became rougher, the boats were loaded with skin-diving gear and the boys explored various interesting spots around the island. These diving expeditions were not only enjoyable and exciting experiences but also very practical. Around the island abalone and lobster can be found, and these delicacies made excellent eating for the entire group.

These activities, along with exploring the island, snorkeling, and body surfing, were just a few of the many and varied things that were going on all the time.

One day was spent exploring the tourist city of Avalon. The boys got cleaned up and toured the resort community and that evening saw a movie before returning to camp.

With waves rolling into the shore and the sun shining down on the group, they held a spiritually moving testimony meeting that was one of the highlights of the excursion.

At the end of the fifth day, twenty-one very good friends broke camp and prepared for the long trip back to Las Vegas.

Upon their arrival home, the tired but happy Explorer group was met by grateful parents who by nature seem to worry when their boys are away. Happily there was nothing more serious than a few bruises and sore muscles to report—only memories of a superactivity.

“This granddaddy lobster caught by Ned Evans will make a fine meal.”

“Explorers bring up abalone that will make a delicious meal.”

“Ready to dive.”
