Youth Music
Look Unto Christ (Reimagined)


Look Unto Christ


1. There’s a light in the darkness.

When it all seems hard to bear,

Do not fear.

There is peace in the suffering

When we stay on the Savior’s side.

He is the Light.



Look unto Christ.

He will heal your soul

and bring you back to life.


Show Him your faith,

Give Him all your doubts,

And you’ll find His strength.

Look unto Christ.

Look unto Christ.

2. He’s the hope in the struggle.

When it all seems more than you can take,

He’ll take your pain.

He will give you the courage

When you’re scared and they throw you to the night.

He is the Light.



Look unto Christ.

He will heal your soul

and bring you back to life.


Show Him your faith,

Give Him all your doubts,

And you’ll find His strength.

Look unto Christ.

Look unto Christ.

Lift your eyes to the Son.

Hear His voice feel His love.

He will show you who you are.

Say a prayer, calm your fears.

He’ll lift your soul and help you see.

Open up your heart.


And look—

Look unto Christ.

He will heal your soul

and bring you back to life.


Show Him your faith,

Give Him all your doubts,

And you’ll find His strength.

Look unto Christ.

Look unto Christ.

Words and music by Nik Day

Arranged by Michael Van Wagoner

Produced by Michael Van Wagoner and Mitch Davis

Artist: Pearce Morris

Producer: Michael Van Wagoner and Mitch Davis

© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial church or home use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

For Voice and Piano

For Voice and Guitar

For Voice and Ukulele

For Choir and Vocal Solo